Saturday, April 1, 2017

CosRx Acne Pimple Master Patches: They are not kidding about the "master" thing.

My current stash
Dear reader. Dear reader. This is one of those products where I really, really wish I could time machine back to when I was in high school like some kind of Ghost of Acne Future, rip whatever the hell I was putting on my face back then out of my younger self's hands, point to my acne scars, and then shove these into my picky little teenage hands. That might sound dramatic, but these patches are THAT good. They: 1) suck all the gunk out of a blemish, and 2) keep dirty fingers away. It's really incredible how much something so simple as a tiny band-aid with a fancy name ("hydrocolloid") speeds up healing so much. All praise!!

The packaging is a little much, imo. The actual sheet of patches has a clear plastic cover square that sits on it, and is sealed inside a little plastic pouch, which is inside the larger plastic pouch that has a Ziploc-type seal. I appreciate the commitment to hygiene, but I find that many plastic layers a excessive. After I open them, I just keep the sheet itself in the main pouch and throw away the middle layers. There are 24 patches in 3 different sizes on a sheet. I really wish they sold larger sheets, both to cut down on the packaging and the cost.
The unwrapping stages of the Master Patches

This part is pretty obvious for this product: just stick the patch on the blemish. They come in three different sizes, so you can pick which works best. I apply these at very end of my routine. It's easier to get them to stick if you skip any thick creams or sleeping packs around the affected spot; these can make the patch slip around. 95% of the time, I have no problem with these staying on overnight (and I toss and turn a lot!). In the morning, I just peel them off. You can also wear these during the day and just take them off when they look full.

Texture Appearance
Not much to say about texture (it's a little circle that's sticky on one side and smooth on the other), so let's talk appearance. If you have a skin tone close to the patch color, these won't be too noticeable, but they're never going to be invisible. I usually stick to wearing them at home, mostly overnight. I've worn them out and about a few times, but not when I was going to meet anyone. But really whether you're comfortable wearing them during the day or not depends on you and your preferences!

That feeling when the patch works perfectly and that giant blemish is G-O-N-E
The removal of the gunk will work best if the blemish is actually open. Personally, I'm usually afraid to cause more harm than good by attempting to lance, so I usually just stick it on the closed blemish and hope for the best. Worst case scenario: it protects the blemish from further irritation and keeps my fingers and other sources of germs off it. Best case scenario: the blemish is close enough to popping that the patch does drain it. And oh boy, is that satisfying. Seeing all that nasty goo that used to be in your face in the patch instead is disgusting, but it also feels so victorious. That little whitehead that, pre-patches, you would've pretended to ignore even though it was actually really distracting you? Gone! That medium pimple that you can't just ignore so it would've driven you crazy until you poked it and caused way more irritation than necessary? Gone! That giant blemish that would've turned into a red, inflamed monstrosity that lingered for weeks? Gone!

Now keep in mind, that these do not work 100% of the time - I do sometimes wake up to empty patches. And sometimes a blemish is so relentless, I have to use a patch on it multiple nights in a row. But regardless, I really feel like using the patches makes my blemishes heal faster. This is such a healthier, cleaner way to drain them than squeezing, poking, etc. In my experience, taking care of things this way really prevents a single pimple from becoming a series of pimples, or worse, a lasting acne scar. Again, if only I had found these about ten years ago!!

So unfortunately for me (but fortunately for CosRx shareholders), I really tear through these things, especially during that time of the month, or my recent Purge-ageddon from introducing AHA to my routine. A single sheet is usually around $5, which is a real drain on my wallet. If you anticipate going through these at Glow Poe-like rates, I recommend buying in bulk. You can get a 10-pack for around 50% off! See Where to Buy, below.

Overall Rating
In case you haven't guessed, I love these. One of the best products I've found since getting into AB skincare, hands down.

Where to Buy
iHerb, currently $4.50 but out of stock (estimated to be back in stock April 13, 2017)
  Save 10% on your order: **
  Or use the code: HKP964 **
Jolse: currently 1 sheet for $3.75, 4 sheets for $11.23, or 10 sheets for $22.48
Mishibox: currently $5
  Save $5 off your first order: **

**Indicates referral link or code
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