Tuesday, February 28, 2017

CosRx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser: It's Pretty Good!

I first learned about the importance of low pH cleansers from Snow White and the Asian Pear's excellent post on the subject. "Low pH" might sound like just a trendy buzzword phrase, but the research is definitely there to back it up. Before being enlightened, pH values were something I vaguely remembered from high school chemistry, and something I pretty much hadn't thought of since. Now it's something I consider every time I wash my face! To summarize (but you really should read Snow's post), keeping your skin close to its naturally low pH (acidic) state prevents acne and keeps it healthy and hydrated. Your cleanser should be no higher than a pH of 5.6.

To inform our cleanser choices!
Anyways, once I finished devouring that post, I immediately took a horrified look at my existing cleanser (Olay Foaming Face Wash for Sensitive Skin - pH of 6.85 - 7.36 according to here - eek!) and went about searching for a low pH replacement. The CosRx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser was almost universally positively reviewed, tested as having an acceptable pH value, and was cheap and readily available. Sounds good to me!

The gel cleanser comes in a white tube with CosRx's signature minimalist packaging design. It's certainly not as pretty as some of my other products, but not bad to look at all the same. I've had no problems dispensing or storing this container. Note that it is 150mL of product, which means you'll have to decant some to bring in a carry-on under US TSA regulations.

This is pretty much as straightforward as you can get. I squeeze about a dime-sized amount into my palm, rub my hands together to get a nice lather, and gently wash my face. I personally don't use any cleansing accessories like konjac sponges, but I'm sure they would work just fine.

It's a clear gel out of the tube that lathers up easily. (It can get more foamy than this, but I was fiddling with my camera for so long that the bubbles started popping...)

The gel feels very smooth, and I love that it's easy to work up a nice lather. (I can't quite shake that old myth that bubbles automatically = clean.) It does have a strong tea tree scent. In the morning, it really adds an extra kick. At night, I could do without the smell, but it's certainly tolerable.

Results and Value
The Good Morning cleanser definitely leaves my face feeling clean and refreshed. It's quite gentle, and I don't get the stripped feeling that my old high pH cleanser gave me. A tube costs around $10 and lasts quite a while. I've been using the same one twice a day for over four months, and I still have plenty left. That makes it a great low-cost, low pH option.

Overall Rating
For its final score, I'm giving the CosRx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser a 4.5/5. It's cheap, effective, and I do recommend it. It just doesn't have a certain "wow factor" that would bump it up to a full HG score for me - although to be fair, that's asking a lot of a cleanser.


Where to buy:
Memebox, currently $10
Link for 20% off your first Memebox order **

Crystal Cove, currently $11

Jolse, normally $11, currently on sale for $8.80

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